Monday 28 November 2011

Be Who You Are, Right Now and Forever

Too many "to do's" on your list?
Of course there is :-) we all go through our day collecting thoughts and information with the intention of sorting or storing it for later on - but the fact is that this leads to unconscious thoughts, actions and reactions ruling our lives and so creating even more "stuff" to be filed under the To Do list..

It is true - if you can stop for just one moment - give yourself just that one moment and return to the HERE AND NOW your entire existence will be so much more flowing, deliberate and enjoyable. Read through the following exercise first and then have a go - allow each sense to arrive, notice it, then move onto the next - theres no need to linger - this exercise can be done fairly quickly and indeed is better that way as it is like a splash in the face from the real you as a reminder to wake up!

Consciousness Excercise .....

Stop what you are doing, close your eyes and breath.. breath in and out, slowing down the out breath.. imagine you are allowing it leave your body with some of the negative energy you are holding onto - if its necessary for you, it will show up again, don't worry.

Now feel your body - really feel it, feel your clothes against your skin, pressing on or into your skin, feel your feet on the floor, feel the draft if there is one, or the warmth of the sun

Listen.. listen, what can you hear? list the sounds in your head and then magnify the noises listen for a moment and really hear them.. the TV, radio, cars driving past, people chatting.. its all in your now.. listen to it.

Taste - turn your attention to what you can taste - What can you taste? think only about that for a moment..

Breath in through your nose and allow your sense on smell to be the most important thing of the moment.. the fresh air or the not-so-fresh air, all the scents and smells you maybe don't normally notice, take a moment to notice them...

Using your eyes now to gather the information from what is happening in your right now.. with your eye lids closed you will have an idea of colour and shapes, look at them for a moment be absolutely present..

To end - go back to your breath.. take a deep full breath in and on the out breath open your eyes - may I have the pleasure in introducing you to the real you - you are magnificent.

If at any point you find your mind floating off to the items on your To Do list, allow the out breath to take it away, and as before just be safe in the knowledge that it will return when and if it is necessary.

For some this exercise is easy and will snap you back into the moment and be very useful straight away - for others practice will be needed to reach that point, but remember that point is only there for those who've practiced and continue to do so :-) You can use this whenever you like but its especially helpful when feel that things/life/events are overtaking you - be kind and give yourself this moment and you will find that on opening your eyes you will have so much more control and that feels good.

So now you will have allowed yourself the time, even a few moments of time, to actually be just you - and thats fabulous - being you is exactly what you need to do to create the life you will love and to put you in touch with the spiritual being you are and have just forgotten about.

This may be the time that you realise just how overwhelmed you really are - Remember its OK to be overwhelmed - we are trying to put so very much into what we think of as our lives, that we have forgotten to actually live our lives. Many of us are too busy doing what we think everyone else thinks we should be doing.. wow!.. thats an odd thought.. isn't it? So we are actually living a life from the perspective we have about anothers perspective.. and that is not the truth - and even those of us who feel ruled by another who is verbal about their expectations, are also living from another persons perspective and so that is also not the truth.

Take a few moments, follow this simple exercise and allow the real you to step forward.. then we can really do some fabulous stuff.. And Spiritually speaking, thats an amazing place to begin.. and if you're already in touch with your spirituality then expect a growth spurt..

So.. let me know in the comments section what this has thrown up for you and I will answer any questions..

Emma x